2013 - Central and Eastern Europe Populism Skip to main content
Team Populism Data

2013 - Central and Eastern Europe Populism

Measures the level of populist discourse in speeches given by chief executives in Central and Eastern Europe, Central Asia, and select Western European countries. Covers 80 leader-terms in 28 countries between 1992 and 2013. Data was collected March-May 2013 by Kirk Hawkins and Bojana Kocijan at Central European University in Hungary. Please cite the data as follows: Hawkins, Kirk A. and Bojana Kocijan. 2013. Central and Eastern Europe Populism Dataset for Leaders, 1992-2013. Available for download at populism.byu.edu

DownloadPopulism CEE codebook
Summary scores (broken down by text and coder)
Original Speeches (7zip file)
Original coder reports by speech (7zip file)