Ideational Approach II Index
Replication Materials for
The Ideational Approach to Populism, Volume II: Consequences and Mitigation
Chapter 2: Populists in Government and the Independence of the Judiciary in Latin America
Chapter 3: Populist Rhetoric and Central Bank Independence
Chapter 4: Populism, Political Regimes, and COVID-19 Deaths
Chapter 5: Populist Rhetoric and Polarization
Chapter 6: Populist Attitudes, Cleavage Identification, and Polarization in Austria and Germany
Chapter 7: Populism, Representation, and Ideological Congruence
Chapter 8: Populism and Understandings of Democracy
Chapter 10: Populist Parties and Persistent Non-Compliance with EU Law
Chapter 11: Nativism, Economic Nationalism, and Populism in U.S. Foreign Policy
Chapter 14: Reducing Partisan Animus in Populist Contexts: Limitations of Shared Common Humanity and Perspective-Taking Interventions
Chapter 16: Populism and Misinformation