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Interested in Joining?

Team Populism is organized into a series of teams built around research methods or other core focuses. While all members of Team Populism are included in a common database and listserv, they are also associated with one or more teams. You do not need to be a member to download data from the website.

If you want to join Team Populism:

  1. Look over the descriptions in the Teams tab here, and contact the Team Leader to identify what the team is doing and possibilities for collaboration.
  2. Once you've obtained the Team Leader's endorsement, share the following with them:
    1. Name
    2. Academic Affiliation
    3. Academic Rank
    4. Contact Information (email)
    5. Whether you would like to be on the listserv and website
  3. The Team Leader will forward your request to the Team Populism administrators, and you should receive a confirmation email within 3-5 business days.