Vlastimil Havlík Skip to main content

Vlastimil Havlík

Masaryk University

Vlastimil Havlík is associate professor in the Department of Political Science (FSS MUNI). He has widely published on populism and Czech politics in journals such as Problems of Post-Communism, East European Politics and Societies and Cultures, Swiss Political Science Review and Communist and Post-Communist Studies. He co-edited the book Populist Political Parties in East-Central Europe (Munipress 2012) and contributed to the edited volumes European Populism in the Shadow of the Great Recession (ECPR Press 2015, edited by Hanspeter Kriesi and Takis S. Pappas). He was a Fulbright – Masaryk Visiting Scholar at Northwestern University (2017-2018) and is the Editor -in-Chief of the Czech Journal of Political Science and the President of the Czech Political Science Association.


Methodologicalcontent analysis, surveys
Topicalvoting, discourse, political communication
RegionalCentral and Eastern Europe