Katerina Hatzikidi Skip to main content

Katerina Hatzikidi is a social anthropologist and postdoctoral researcher at the ERC-funded PACT: Populism and Conspiracy Theory project at the University of Tübingen. Her work explores, among other things, questions of political and religious transformations, with a special country focus on Brazil. Katerina obtained her MSc and DPhil (PhD) in social anthropology from the University of Oxford. During her doctoral studies, Katerina was also Visiting Researcher at the Museu Nacional, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ). Her work is featured in several peer-reviewed journals like the Bulletin of Latin American Studies, The International Journal of Human Rights and Revista Pós Ciências Sociais. She has co-edited the volume A Horizon of (im)possibilities: A chronicle of Brazil’s conservative turn (2021, University of London Press).


MethodologicalEthnographic Fieldwork
TopicalPopulism and Conspiracy Theory
RegionalLatin America