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Kaitlen Cassell


I received my Ph.D. in Political Science from Vanderbilt University, with a specialty in Comparative Politics and sub-specialty in Political Methodology. I currently work as a Senior Research Manager at YouGov conducting international survey research for several of the world’s largest technology companies. My academic research centers on issues of political behavior, governance, and representation in Latin America and Europe, with a specific emphasis on elite communication strategies and individual responses to these strategies. I am interested in how receptive individuals are to the content of different kinds of messages, particularly on social media, as these platforms have important implications for information diffusion and network mobilization. At YouGov, I manage large-scale global studies on similar topics, including messaging effects and the intersection of politics and social media.


MethodologicalSurveys, text analysis
TopicalPopulism, political communication, public opinion, political behavior
RegionalLatin America