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Erin K. Jenne

Central European University

Erin K. Jenne (Stanford University, PhD) is a professor at the International Relations Department at Central European University in Budapest, where she teaches MA and PhD courses on qualitative and quantitative methods, ethnic conflict management, international relations theory, nationalism and populism, foreign policy analysis and international security. She also teaches longitudinal case study analysis and mixed methods research at the ECPR Summer School. Her first book, Ethnic Bargaining: The Paradox of Minority Empowerment (Cornell University Press) is the winner of Mershon Center’s Edgar S. Furniss Book Award in 2007. She was an associate editor for the Journal of Foreign Policy Analysis and has served in several capacities on the Emigration, Ethnicity, Nationalism and Migration Section of the International Studies Association and the Comparative Politics Section of the American Political Science Association. She is currently working on several articles and a book on the role of nationalism and populism in foreign policy.


MethodologicalQualitative and Mixed Methods Research Designs
TopicalForeign Policy Analysis, Populism and Nationalism, Secessionism
RegionalCentral and East Europe